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2018 May Day Story

One of most questionable topic in Sri Lanka was May Day 2018 due to near by Vesak celebration. 70% of population Buddhists and one of most religiously active country giving priority to their religion celebration other than labour day isn't a news.

I captured this photograph in a roadside of particular large city in Sri Lanka in this May day 2018. He has come to his small pavement stall in early morning and he about to continue trading till late night. That's how he celebrate his May day. Unfortunately, as usual we couldn't celebrate anything with its true expectation. If he took a holiday on this day, there is no one to feed their family. But we are proudly talking about fundamental rights of human beings. Where is his right to being prevent from famished. In country like Sri Lanka, the May day is just another political rally which is never beneficial to public. After all, labors are working as usual or more than other days in May day to clean up Rally areas.

People like him in this photograph, need to work continuously to survive. They don't have holidays. If he gets a holiday, most its in Hospital with sickness or Court after cops take him into custody on illegal trading on pavements. These are also lives who wish to live in comfort in least stage. But, they are living in far away from the edge of least comfort.

I finally realize, even labour law and rights couldn't protect all the labors. Its just for limited favorable class of labors. Most suffered people do not have access or protection of labour law at least in practical situations. Even, we'll people out there who do not wish to accept this person as a labour and they will argue that he is a self-employed person or entrepreneur. Actually, he is a labour of high capacity importers of plastic goods and just selling goods from them with small commission.

We need modified law and policies about labours. And we need modified human attitudes too.

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