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God vs Religion

From our childhood we learn and believe about God. Some of us experience the God and some of us won't for lifetime. Actually, it is depending on our level of education, level of intellegence and level of understand. Always the our view on God will depend on our understand about God and Religion. Sometimes, books, people and experience change our view on God. Some how, there is one clear gap we need to be agree either you believe or not in God.

Our religion corporations are not representing the true God view even God exsist or not. Because, there are dozens of matters in Religion groups and organizations give up human qualities for their customs and traditions. In current time, we are seeing a progress of some religious groups for better humanatrian act.

I used a snap of "PK" a hindi movie which was involved with religious believes. Actually PK tell us one single thing, that is to reconsider the messengers of God on Earth and not the true love of God. He figured out that the God wasn't too bad but the religious leaders was.

Even we concern about "DaVinci Code". Personally, I don't care whether Jesus was married or not. I do care his vision. Actually, divinity of Jesus won't harm by his marriage. But the Simple Catholic Followers will upset about their blind magical believes on Jesus.

I do believe Jesus done some miracles. But it isn't by overlap the Nature it is jut overwrite the Nature.
In the morning of Saturday 26/05/201 in Kandy, Sri Lanka time, I invite my readers to reconcern the view of your God and the view of your religious groups. Thers is no need to suspect your God but neither your religious teachers?

Anuradha Bernard
