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Tragedy of our Strategy (Part 1)

This is for all in #Tourism Industry in #SriLanka

We have little target: 2.5 or 3.0 Million tourist per year? Why?

1) Our Traditional Hoteliers only believe in #travelfairs. They never interested in direct marketing leisure events. (With my 4 years experiences in European and Chinese Leisure event sponsor hunting). Meet up and Talking tourism professionals and hoteliers with small number of tourist in a comfort place like a media show will not make tourist to country like us. But I suggest many events and most of Sri Lankan hoteliers refuse to join with their old theories).

2) Uneducated professionals and Bad attitude professionals in in Tourism. Our most tourism industry professionals run by their day today plans and no one need a
long term plan. They just need high profit from the beginning and small allocation for sustainable tourism.

3) Creative ideas - Most entrepreneurs sticky with their old fashioned marketing and business ideas. They don't want to update or pass the ball to updated people to their own good.

4) Lack of public awareness - Sri Lankan people got very bad image of tourism and the most of traditionalists in "GURU" title made it with TV and Radio also the newspapers. Our Hoteliers also sticky with their own traditional way and the industry is getting high pressure from both ends. Fortunately, 3rd End of customer end is getting attention under these bad situation for our own luck.

5) Crazy policy makers. Sri Lanka is getting worse in most of fields due to crazy old fashioned policy makers who hunt treasure by being government of Sri Lanka. All the 225 members in Parliament do not have a master plan for any industry neither #tourism industry.

If Someone interested to join with my secluded course to develop Sri Lankan Tourism, you are warmly welcome. I am not doing a social service. I am an entrepreneur too. I am also profit oriented commercial programme creator. But, I have a long term sustainable master plan for Sri Lanka Tourism. Further, I have lot of opportunities to deploy a strategic marketing campaign beyond the traditional frames of Sri Lanka Tourism.

Dear Hoteliers, Travel fair is Good. It isn't a better or the best option to get a considerable number of tourist per year. And we need to increase the High Spending Tourists arrivals to Sri Lanka which is rapidly decreasing these days.

I am an expert in one field. It is Travel and tourism Journalism. I believe in one thing. We've a responsibility to ensure the better life for 7 Billion People on Earth and towards. Tourism and the Sustainable Development need to be priority than our traditional profit hunting. I speak and act for human rights and I do my best as entrepreneur to make some contribution with my availability on time to time rather than being activist.

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Our Travel & Information platform: (for Kandy Food & Life and towards and for Earth)
