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The various animals are explained by the artist. The little brown boars are clear enough; the large white elephant represents the local governor and the Chiang Rai province; the frogs are for the divers, the white seals for the Navy Seal crews.
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Tragedy of our Strategy (Part 1)

This is for all in #Tourism Industry in #SriLanka We have little target: 2.5 or 3.0 Million tourist per year? Why? 1) Our Traditional Hoteliers only believe in #travelfairs. They never interested in direct marketing leisure events. (With my 4 years experiences in European and Chinese Leisure event sponsor hunting). Meet up and Talking tourism professionals and hoteliers with small number of tourist in a comfort place like a media show will not make tourist to country like us. But I suggest many events and most of Sri Lankan hoteliers refuse to join with their old theories). 2) Uneducated professionals and Bad attitude professionals in in Tourism. Our most tourism industry professionals run by their day today plans and no one need a

God vs Religion

From our childhood we learn and believe about God. Some of us experience the God and some of us won't for lifetime. Actually, it is depending on our level of education, level of intellegence and level of understand. Always the our view on God will depend on our understand about God and Religion. Sometimes, books, people and experience change our view on God. Some how, there is one clear gap we need to be agree either you believe or not in God. Our religion corporations are not representing the true God view even God exsist or not. Because, there are dozens of matters in Religion groups and organizations give up human qualities for their customs and traditions. In current time, we are seeing a progress of some religious groups for better humanatrian act. I used a snap of "PK" a hindi movie which was involved with religious believes. Actually PK tell us one single thing, that is to reconsider the messengers of God on Earth and not the true love of God....

Clear Blood

Scientifically knows it is H2O. It isn't just Hydrageon and Oxygen. Of course, if there is Oxygen it is matter of life and what about H?. How many hours you can survive without water. Average 7 Days can be lived without water because our body contain 60% of water. However, what do you feel if your water supply is disconnected for repair or something. How much you are #Water after all? You never care #water and you never hesitate to spit, pee in water, throw garbage, dump your waste water, dump your toilet line or dump anything to water. I just captured above photograph after small rain at the lower roof side of a house. Rain water were flowing over these gutters of roof. At the end, some water stopped at the edge of metal sheet due to electrostatics or any other theory of physics. One single dump of something harmful make dirty the whole system of water. Even in schools, teachers are teaching the water circle. But, there is no practical usage of it in our society. Some fact...

2018 May Day Story

One of most questionable topic in Sri Lanka was May Day 2018 due to near by Vesak celebration. 70% of population Buddhists and one of most religiously active country giving priority to their religion celebration other than labour day isn't a news. I captured this photograph in a roadside of particular large city in Sri Lanka in this May day 2018. He has come to his small pavement stall in early morning and he about to continue trading till late night. That's how he celebrate his May day. Unfortunately, as usual we couldn't celebrate anything with its true expectation. If he took a holiday on this day, there is no one to feed their family. But we are proudly talking about fundamental rights of human beings. Where is his right to being prevent from famished. In country like Sri Lanka, the May day is just another political rally which is never beneficial to public. After all, labors are working as usual or more than other days in May day to clean up Rally areas. People l...

Matter to celebrate May Day

1st of May of each year, is celebrated as the Labor Day. Its matter to celebrate. In past, there was no limited working hours and considerable salary for workers. Working as labour was nearly slavery.